In every cell of creation, be it simple, less evolved life forms,
the spirit of man or the majesty of the sun,
mountains, sea, earth, plant life or forms in flight,
the identity of every form is—God lives.
One of the most important truths I found was that The Truth couldn’t change, however, our ability to perceive Truth is constantly changing. This is the reason why there are so many versions of the Truth. It doesn't mean that one is right and another wrong. Our judgments colored with fear, doubt, guilt, trust, hate, love, cause the Truth to look so vastly different to many people.
I’ve named these two differing states of perception as the Truth of the Moment and the Moment of Truth. The truths of the moment are constantly changing, depending on our perception. The ultimate Truth, contained in that moment when we’re finally able to lay all our fears and judgments aside, is constant and can’t be recognized by thinking, only through knowing.
When we understand that we’re spiritual beings, partaking of a physical experience at this time, then we can also realize that death doesn't exist. The body we use while visiting this foreign land will cease to operate at some point, to make room for new arrivals, among other reasons, but our life doesn't end. Our life is a never-ending story and with the closing of one chapter, another begins. We were created in the image of God; how could it be otherwise?
The first three of the seven immutable laws of all existence, the laws of order, balance and harmony take all our thoughts into account through the fourth law, the law of growth.
The “original sin”, which man continues to commit on a daily basis, wasn’t disobedience to God, for with free will disobedience isn’t possible. Forming a judgment about one thing vs. something else was the error committed; comparing what we had against what we thought we could have and that it would be "better".
I’ve often been asked to explain what occurs at the time of transition. As each life is unique here, so is each departure from this segment of life to the next. What we encounter, or don’t encounter, depends on our beliefs and thoughts at the time as well as the energy influences we’ve created in this segment of our life.
Thoughts of fear, guilt, shame, doubt, will create a much more difficult and longer transitional period. .... filled with more positive and trusting thoughts, we will encounter a speedy transition full of wonder and joy. The consequences of our thoughts and actions will draw us to the light or darkness we created.

The life of a personality, for a time, continues almost exactly as before upon returning home. Precisely how it continues depends on the beliefs it holds when returning home. Nothing has changed, except the dense vehicle of limitation it used has been laid to rest. Personalities returning home, typically will soon want to look like they did in their twenties or thirties. That was the time they felt and looked the best so why continue to resemble a less than perfect body.

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